In May, Climb Wyoming was invited to attend the
USDA Food and Nutrition Service Regional SNAP Employment and Training Conference in Cheyenne to share detailed insights, expertise and program innovations in working with families in poverty. The full-day presentation from Climb included a panel of program directors and employers sharing details about the job placement and employer partner process; a recent graduate talking about the positive impact the Climb program has had on her family; and staff explaining how the Climb program model helps develop executive functioning skills among participants and Climb’s unique and thorough approach to tracking measures and proving outcomes.

In early July, the Climb programs in Laramie and Cheyenne were visited by researchers from the
Institute for Women’s Policy Research (IWPR) in Washington, D.C. as part of a project to identify promising practices in the delivery of socioeconomic supports to job training participants. Researchers spent two days with Climb staff, participants and graduates to gain an in-depth understanding of the unique Climb program model. Findings will be published by the IWPR in a forthcoming Job Training Success report.