In Gillette, Climb finds just the right fit for employees who are facing Wyoming’s economic downturn.

Employees at Gillette’s SignBoss all have the word “boss” in their job title. Two of the 10 “bosses” at the locally owned signage company are graduates, a partnership that Climb developed in response to Gillette’s changing economy.
With fewer jobs available in the energy sector, Gillette’s Climb program now offers administrative trainings to ensure graduates can jump into careers that support their families.
Dana Eiland, who owns SignBoss with her husband, Rick, has a human resources background and says that Climb is the best recruiting tool she’s ever seen.
“Where else can you go where candidates go through an application and selection process to begin with, and then after the Climb program are identified as being the best fit for your company? I just couldn’t narrow the applicant pool down like that myself.”
Kayla graduated from Climb’s Professional Workflow Specialist program in 2015 and now works at SignBoss. She says that Climb put a lot of thought into her job placement during a time when everyone is anxious about the slowing energy economy in Gillette. “Climb understands who I am as a person. I knew they’d find me the right fit.”