Fall 2024

Pictured Above: Meladie celebrates at Climb’s commencement ceremony. She’s now working at Campbell County Health as a Health Information Clerk.
“Climb helped me set personal and professional boundaries and learn about myself and how to be a better person for my children.”
– Meladie
Professional Office Careers
9 moms
26 children
Launching Professional Careers
In coordination with Wyoming Professional Training, LLC, the moms in Gillette’s recent Professional Office Careers training had the opportunity to learn Microsoft Office, QuickBooks, and customer service skills. In addition, several Gillette businesses hosted the women for job shadowing to provide exposure to different career options, including real estate, insurance, healthcare, and travel and tourism.
Graduation rate for Gillette’s recent Professional Office Careers Graduates
Thriving Families
Many women in Gillette’s recent program came to Climb unemployed or working in low-wage jobs like food service or housekeeping, often doing shift work that required late nights and weekends away from their children. They now have opportunities for professional jobs that offer family-friendly schedules, higher pay, and benefits that will help their families grow and thrive.
Thank you!
Your support makes families stronger and our community a better place to live and work.