Dear Friends,
Each of us has a story unfolding in our lives right now. Our stories are all unique and always evolving.
The stories in this year’s Progress Report are powerful and real as families share their heartaches, obstacles, brave first steps, and empowering accomplishments.
In the many years that I’ve been working with single moms at Climb, I’ve witnessed how families deep in the crisis of poverty often have a story of turmoil and chaos, from moving around frequently in unstable housing situations, to experiencing trauma, to struggling to afford groceries and other basic needs.
Once moms take the brave step of coming to Climb, they begin to shift their narratives. During the program, they receive comprehensive support from our caring and compassionate staff in all areas of life, including mental health services, and gain new job skills and career placements with local employers.
After the program, they radiate newfound confidence and pride in how far they’ve come and how much they’ve altered the course of their children’s futures.
Watching this transformation is like seeing a photograph go from black and white to color: as moms find success and step out of the shadows of poverty, our schools, workplaces, and communities become brighter and more vibrant.
The stories of so many families across Wyoming aren’t done yet, because your support gives them the opportunity to write new chapters in their lives. Thank you—your generosity inspires us every day.
With gratitude,